It's about 22 inches in length (depending on how you trim the skirt) this lure is an absolute MONSTER. Its the biggest lure we run on Bite Me here in Fiji and is in fact even larger than some of our teasers.
When we fish heavy tackle and troll lures for marlin, this is our automatic go to selection for the short corner position. Its a pusher style concave face lure which really punches its way through the water and repeatedly dives well under the prop wash. Its serious weight and length makes it stable in all weather conditions and therefore easy to run. No fiddling about trying to find the working tow height and drop back length just put it where you want it and it will smoke a big and I do mean BIG bubble trail up and down through the wash. Not only is it a screaming grander lure, its also a great big teaser for those days when there are just little blues about.
There is some debate as to what BFG stands for. I believe it stands for Big Friendly Giant though most of my guests, upon seeing it, substitute a rather more colourful word in place of friendly.
- Position: Short Corner
- Rigging: 2 x 12/0 hooks on 500lb wire
- Leader: 550lb Marlin Hard Moimoi, length depends on wind-on leader if used
- Best colour: Match the hatch what baitfish are around ?
Tips I would not run this lure on anything less than one of our 80lb bent butt chair rods. Unbelievably, this lure has drawn strikes from fish as small as 150lbs. Just because a grander doesnt climb on every day, dont be tempted to change down to a smaller sized lure. This lure is as good as any teaser in the wake and will draw in all sizes of marlin. Run it as a teaser but be prepared for something huge to climb on board.
Maker MBT Lures Australia
Adrian was born on the island of Cyprus and graduated to his first rod & reel at the age of five. Having fished around the world from the Arabian Gulf to the North sea and English Channel, he finally settled for the tropical waters of the South Pacific around the island of Kadavu, Fiji Islands. Director of Matava Resort Gamefishing, he skippers 'Bite Me', the resort's 31ft DeepVee Gamefishing vessel and thoroughly enjoys exploring the light and heavy tackle fishing around the island and Great Astrolabe Barrier Reef. An IGFA Certified Captain, he advocates tag & release and is a keen supporter of the IGFA and the Billfish Foundation.
Adrian Watt
IGFA Captain
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