Customer Review: Comfortable orthopedic workout sandals
I bought these sandals because I have issues with my feet, knees, lower back, and hips. These are very comfortable to walk in while giving a good workout and correcting the way we walk. I would buy another pair and recommend them highly.
Customer Review: Back Pain? GONE !
I've been wearing these shoes for 2 1/2 years. I bought them because I hoped it would help me with my daily back pain (I was taking antiinflamatories on a daily basis). Let me also tell you that I'm active. I'm used to aerobic exercise, and I'm fit. Running is my passion and I didn't want to give it up. It was like this, I would wake up pain free, would run on the treadmil and stretch, run some errands and there she was the back pain. Then she'll visit with me till the end of the day. Of course it kept getting worse, till the point I would get out of bed pain free and after walking around the house a little bit there she was the back pain waiting on me to keep me company for the rest of the day. I was researching on the internet when I bumped into these shoes. Actually I was looking for some Birkenstocks when I found MBTs. I was so desperate to come up with a solution for my back pain that I made my husband drive me to Texas, about 70 miles far from where I live, to Frisco so that I could get them that very same day. I didn't want having to wait for the MTBs being shipped and stuff. They advise you to get started little by little and there is a DVD and a pamphlet that cames along with instructions. Anyway, I put MBTs on and got out of the store, did grocery shopping and the relief was so big I wore the shoes for the rest of the day. Next day I put them on when I woke up (literally) and ever since I've wore it for 2 years straight. Sandals in the summer and sneakers in the winter. I like the sandals best. No more pain, no more pills. Although I am fit, my legs got a little bit tired during the first week or so because you start using muscles that might have never been requested before. In the past 6 months I haven't been wearing them as often, I just walk on them when I exercise on the treadmil (running on them is pretty tough, it's like running on very soft sand) and I also make sure I have them on when cleanning the house and traveling. These sandals are just perfect for traveling. I'm brazilian married to an american, so I visit my country often and a 10 hour flight can get your feet pretty swollen. Studies show that you still maintain your good posture for 2 or 3 days when not wearing the MBTs. Bottom line, they took my back pain away for good. I was told they might loose their cushioning after a year but no. Good quality shoes, I'm still wearing the first pair of sandals and sneakers I bought. As far as muscular improvement I havent' noticed much since I was already fit when I started wearing them. I've seen websites that would advertise the fact that these shoes improve your celulite and things like that. MBT Company is very serious and doesn't mention anything like that. I know that some fancy spas do sell them. MBTs are bulky and heavier than normal shoes but nevertheless very comfortable. When you find something that takes your pain away like I found relief in these pair of shoes, you stick with it.
For a moment, think about how many steps you take everyday. Now, think about how long you stand still everyday. Many do not know this, but every step you take puts about 500 pounds of pressure on your feet. That's a lot of miles and a lot of pressure. Isn't it worth your while to get a walking shoe with all the comfort and support you can muster?
MBT shoes are a new walking shoe to hit the scene They have been getting a lot of press, as of late, so I thought I would take a closer look at these walking shoes to see what they offer.
The concept for MBT walking shoes stems from studying the walking habits of the Masai tribe in Africa. The Masai are a semi-nomadic tribe whose lives center around tending to their cattle and hunting. A consequence of this is that they walk very long distances on a daily basis. It was discovered that as they walk on the natural uneven terrain they develop toned and lean leg muscles, have a perfect posture, and suffer a minimal amount of back and joint problems. The MBT walking shoes actually imitate the terrain the Masai walk on and turn the hard and uneven surfaces that we walk on everyday, into the soft and natural ground of the Masai. This causes the muscles to work harder and become the natural shock absorbers they were destined to be, in addition to protecting the back and joints.
The key element of these internationally patented walking shoes are the unique curved sole and the Swiss Masai sensor positioned under the heel. It enables the pleasant rolling feeling while walking because it lets the heel sink down as it would on a soft, natural surface. In addition to the balancing area under the in-step, the Masai sensor also ensures natural instability to which the body responds with enhanced muscle activity. Interplay between this walking shoe's sensor and the other components of MBT has been increasingly refined over th years of testing. In MBT's, the foot extends in a natural, controlled way. Pressure distribution over the muscles previously neglected become retrained and more fit.
Because of all this technology found in these innovative walking shoes, medical professional around the world recommend the use of MBT shoes for a variety of cases. They are highly used in the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of several ailments including: back pain, hip and joint problems, back discomfort, leg and foot problems and ligament and tendon injuries. Back problems, especially, are helped due to the MBT's loosening effects with muscle tension. This allows the body to return to its natural state of health and encourages its natural healing abilities.
It is the range of benefits and positive effects that make the MBT's a very attractive walking shoe choice for people in all walks of life and with varying needs.
Candice is a freelance writer who writes about fashion topics including MBT Trainers and MBT shoes
MBT Boots
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